Fitness, Health

6 Exercises for a flat belly that you can do right in a chair

This topic was submitted by one of SosoJazzy’s readers that is interested in fitness. I know many of us hate to work out if you don’t I know I hate it 🙂 most of us sit down a lot either if its a work or home but this may be what we are doing for most of the day. Many of us don’t have the time to work out, no energy after work, or lack of motivation to get moving and be active.

If you sit for long periods without any activity this will do damage on your body in the long run leading to weight gain and definitely a bad posture leading to backaches or pains. Here is a quick video on how you can get active just by sitting in your chair at work or home. If you feel guilty about not working out often try starting with something as simple as this or get up and walk around for a few minutes a day every minute counts.

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