
Unsupportive Friends

If you have people in your life that are occupying your time for their self-benefit, you should erase them out of your life. friendship is very important in our lives, and sometimes every good friend that you thought would be in your life forever turns out they get left behind for different reasons. Having a supportive friend or friends is really beneficial as this can give you that extra push you may need or just knowing that you have someone in your corner rooting for you besides your family.

You would be surprised how good it makes your friend feel to hear that you support them and actually showing support. One of my good friends sent me a video by Steve Harvey. I have provided the clip below check it out do you agree or disagree?  if you haven’t been as supportive as you know you can be with a friend or your friends reach out and let them know, I guarantee they will appreciate it. But also make sure your actions match up because you can say you support them but be nowhere around for accomplishments or any bumps in the road that may occur in life.

I understand that as adults everyone has their own lives and situations. At the same time, people make time for what they want to make time for. Be there for your friends, check-in with them from time to time, make time for gatherings. All of this is important for friendships to continue and have an unbreakable bond.

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