
SosoJazzy’s Situations

SosoJazzy Tribe we have a situation on our hands… what are your thoughts? advice?

Situation submitted: I met this guy at Wendy’s and he was cray cray. My son and I went to Wendy’s for lunch and a guy was ordering in front of us. Once the guy was finished ordering it was our turn and from that point, I could notice he began to start looking at me and I avoided eye contact. Once we finished ordering we walked over to the soda machine and the guy was sitting near and he made eye contact with me and asked if I was single? I gave a slight smile and said yes then I continued getting my drink. After I was done he motioned for me to come to his table.

At this point, I was wondering why would he bother me when Cleary you see I am here with my son trying to have lunch. He asked if we could sit with him I said no we will sit alone so I could have time with my son. Unfortunately, at this time my son sat right next to the guy and began eating his food and in my head, I am like damn now what?? so I sat next to my son and next to this stranger that I did not know which was really uncomfortable. He started to make small talk which was ok but he stared at me so weird like he was undressing me with his eyes. For me, this was a red flag because why are you looking at me this way and I am trying to stuff my damn face. He continued to look at me this way even after I said something. Before we finished eating numbers were exchanged and after we were done eating he wanted to embrace for a hug. In my mind, I’m like I don’t know you and you are doing too much. I gave him a little church hug but he had the nerve to try and grab my butt and start saying things about my shape. This was another sign that he was way too aggressive.

That same day he texted me and I texted back then stopped texting and responded a few hours later. He asked me why did it take me so long to text back and that he did not like that. What? like who are you to be so demanding. Anyways I still continued to give this guy a shot and he continuously still blew it. Days later he still would text no calls, he texts one night asking if we could link up I told him no. For 1 this was a work day and I needed to get up early for work, and I have a child like what are you thinking this was almost 11 pm. Plus we are not on that level. I explained to him why that wouldn’t be a good Idea and he had the nerve to tell me to stop going on and on about it and just say no. Like who does that? If you are interested in someone you are not going to tell them basically to shut up. So that showed he does not communicate and again being aggressive and controlling. I told him if he didn’t like that about me then to dismiss himself. He never responded back that night but then sent a text that morning. Do you think I responded? Hell no. Then this dude had the audacity to text a few days after and sent his picture. it is safe to say this was a crazy dude and hopefully, he does not text me again. Do you think I did the right thing by not responding? The signs are there right?

Answer: Run Shirley Run… you definitely did the right thing by not responding back to him. He clearly thinks it’s about him and his way or no way. Very cocky. The signs were definitely there upfront but I understand wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt because some people can be really nervous and don’t know how to act when first meeting someone. This dude told you not to go on and on about a situation that you felt strongly about is terrible that shows he didn’t care about anything you said and who wants a man like that. He also did not even apologize for his actions. You did the right thing for sure continue to ignore and hopefully, he does not contact you again. BLOCKIANA OKURRRR.

Do you have a situation? Love, relationships,friendships, drama lets talk about it. Send me a message in the contact section

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