Love Relationships

The Truth Behind Love

How to find your partner and keep your relationship

One of SosoJazzy’s special readers submitted this video for a discussion. I have posted the link below. The video is a little over 1 hour so take some time to listen to it when you have free time. Overall I think it had some valid points. Some of the things that stuck out to me I will speak about.

One of the keys is Healing… if you don’t heal you will end up in a bad spot and that’s in any relationship. Lack of healing leads you into the wrong relationships. you will latch on to anyone meaning lack of self worth.

The same walls that you built to protect your self is the same walls that will block your blessings. 

Push forward from fear and believe in faith.

Stephan Speaks was asked who tends to run away more from relationships? Ladies I know you are like duh its men… nope he said its women. The reason why is because women often believe when they meet a good man he is to good to be true and something has to be wrong and women start looking for things to run away from this guy. A women thoughts is let me run away now before I get hurt. Now reading this I am sure you are shaking your head because it is true.

Who Tends to mess up a relationship? yes ladies you guessed it is the men.. Sorry fellas lol the men mess it up because they are not in tune with what they are doing wrong.

Advice for Men: Look past her words, don’t just hear her say she is OK. does she look OK? you need to feel her body language and pay attention.

Advice for Women: Be more specific about what you want men don’t understand. Example if you want to spend more time don’t just say I want to spend more time with you. You will need to say I want to spend time with you Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays. LOL They slow J>K but they cannot read our minds.

Having bad relationships show up in your career it determines how well you do. This makes so much sense I remember going through the motions and not having the energy to even perform at work.

 Ladies we must be in charge of our feminine energy which is pulled away when you are negative when changing this energy to positive more people will like you and want to be around you. Lets be more conscious of this. If you are not sure that you are negative and want to be accountable get you an accountability partner (friend) someone that will call you out when you are being negative.

In order to have a successful relationship, you must have Connection, Balance, Attraction (physically drawn or romance not based on looks. You can have chemistry and no connection to having a connection is better than having chemistry. It takes a connection to build chemistry with someone.

If you are having trouble with healing and this is holding you back in your relationships write down everyone who has hurt you. This includes family, friends, exes anything or anyone. Holding this in lingers within you. Get things off your chest speak it out loud, write a letter or record it.

Here is the full video.. Comment your thoughts below

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